August: Glenwood Springs Provider Team Adam Hallin PA-C, Wynette Jackson RN, Nataly Meraz RN, and Ashli Costello RN Adam had a tough patient who was scheduled as a covisit today, acutely. An 85 year old Female with a blood sugar of 500mg called to us as a critical result from a visit the day prior,…

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May: Audrey Fisher, DDS; Molli Carpenter, RN; Natasha Ellwood, PA-C; Maddie Nielslanik, PA-C This very delicate situation, which began with a patient in the dental chair, might have ended an entirely different way if not for Dr. Fisher, Molli, Natasha, and Maddie coming together as a team. Dr. Fisher was seeing a new patient in…

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February: Ericka Dries, LCSW, Bryn Brendamour, FNP, Yunira Gomez, RN I’d like to nominate Ericka Dries, Bryn Brendamour and Yunira Gomez for exemplary care. Ericka was meeting this week with one of her patients who is in high school. In the counseling session, her patient expressed worry that she might be pregnant. Ericka was able…

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April 2023: McKenzie Rieder, CPNP-PC I am thrilled to nominate McKenzie Rieder for her excellent care of a 5-year-old patient that she saws just a few weeks ago. This new patient presented to the Rifle Integrated Health Center for ankle pain after they had already presented once to the ER. The patient was discharged with…

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Kjell Benson, MD I’d like to nominate Dr. Kjell Benson for an excellent diagnostic catch. He recently saw a middle-aged woman for an acute visit who was complaining of right lower quadrant pain for 1 day as well as vomiting. Dr. Benson noted an absence of bowel sounds in the area on physical exam and…

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August: Addie Virgil, RN “I want to publicly thank Addie and the other Glenwood Springs nurses for helping out with an elderly patient of mine who fainted in a therapy session. They were very quick to respond, they took her blood pressure and O2, and helped her when she regained consciousness. They were calm, yet…

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Audrey Fisher, DDS Rifle Integrated Health Center, Mobile Dental Van “I recently had the pleasure of comanaging a complicated dental patient with Audrey Fisher, DDS. I had cared for this patient at the beginning of my career at MFHC, and Audrey was kind enough to come in and see the patient. She speaks so calmly…

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Congratulations Karen Torres RN, BSN “For exemplary care, I nominate Karen Torres (and Molli Deines and Dr. Mizner).  Throughout the COVID pandemic, Karen has been a leader in the Rifle Clinic. (Hey Karen, remember when you went on maternity leave in 2020 and thought that COVID would be over when you got back??)  There is…

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Dr Gail Mizner

Congratulations Gail Mizner, MD “I wanted to recognize Dr. Gail Mizner this month for her swift work with the changing landscape of treatment for COVID. Dr. Mizner as we know takes care of all of our immune compromised rheumatoid patients, and as many of them tested positive I heard several heroic stories of her calling…

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